
Jumping in Pools and Making Decisions

Things have been hectic recently with school and everything, but so far (and for the most part) I really enjoy thinking about the wedding. We are coming close to settling on a location for both the ceremony and the reception, with only minor complications, i.e. my dad's deep disdain for summer heat. But its best just to remind myself that hurdles happen, you can't make everyone happy (not even those dearest to you), and thats okay! So the tentative plan?

Saturday, June 6, 2009 - in the evening. Camden Presbyterian Church. Reception to follow at Daniel's family home in Oak Hill - outdoors.
Lord willing, night breezes and cold drinks to be provided in abundance.

I have almost completed the first major round of decisions (along with a color palette and atmosphere), and yet it feels weird making them...but you just have to do it. It's like jumping into a cold pool on a warm day - even though you know you want to, you're still a little shy about doing it. Daniel and I have also decided who will be our attendants (this is a colder pool on a less warm day), and we are thrilled about it. Now its time for.....creating a budget (said out loud with your most booming and intimidating voice); this is the coldest pool on an already cold day. But surprisingly I still look forward to it.

Henry Nouwen wrote that if you're exhausted and burnt out then you are not doing the will of God because God is gentle and kind. I'm not even close to exhausted, and even though making major decisions can be a little off-putting, I am far from burnt out. Ultimately, I think that means that I am still on the right track.

God is gentle and kind, and this entire process should reflect such a disposition. Right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a techno nerd!

I love you anyway.

Your bro.